
Images of 9/11, five years later


Joseph C. Daniels, acting president of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation, posed in front of some of the photographs recently installed at the World Trade Center site as part of “Here: Remembering 9/11,” at the exhibit’s Aug. 23 opening. The 52 photos — from 9/11 and its aftermath — were taken by both professionals and amateurs. Most of the images were selected from among thousands that had been in the “Here Is New York” photo exhibit displayed in a Soho storefront space on Prince St. for several months after 9/11. Newly commissioned were an additional 10 photos of artifacts recovered from the site. The exhibit is at Church St. near the Trade Center PATH station entrance for the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. The images will be part of a future permanent museum at the site as part of the World Trade Center Memorial.