


Dear ThriveNYC Readers,

While we all hustle about getting prepared for the holidays, thoughts of a new year loom over our heads. Usually those thoughts – at any age – are of shaping up and feeling healthier. We all want to live longer, happier, more productive and energetic lives and to do so we need to be the best we can physically.

That’s why we at ThriveNYC visited with personal trainer Harry Hanson who prides himself in the number of fit and happy “Boomers” he exercises every day. Hanson believes in cardio and strength training as the key to strong bones and longer, happier lives.

We also see the merits of fresh air and fun activities. I hobbled around the city myself for years, feeling older, weaker and less happy because of a deteriorating knee. I started saying “No” or mostly, “Uh, too busy” when friends asked me to join them for a drink, dinner, a movie, shopping or a walk around town. I made excuses that I didn’t need to go to the store or that I could substitute or subsist. I was in denial. What I was doing was not getting the most out of my life because it hurt to walk and climb stairs. My excellent orthopedic surgeon, Kenneth E. McCulloch, said these wise words: “You’ll know when it’s time.” I finally had to admit it was and I’m so sorry that I waited as long as I did. My knee operation was a life-changer and lastseason I was back on skis. I’m looking forward to the snow again this winter.

The not-so wise say this is the gray, glum season but we say bundle up and enjoy the cold, fresh winter air. Walking around our colorful city at this time of year is uplifting and the first steps to a fun, fit and fantastic New Year.

Have a great holiday and happy New Year.

Janel Bladow
