Koch on gay charge
To The Editor:
Re “Koch controversy flares anew at plaque dedication” (Dec. 19):
I don’t see why either Ed Koch’s sexual orientation or his willingness to talk about it should be relevant to the issue of dedicating a commemorative plaque at a building where he lived. Be that as it may, the Daily News, on Feb. 1, 2013, ran a news story including the following quotations of statements made by Koch in 1977 when he was running for City Hall for the first time:
“No, I am not a homosexual. If I were a homosexual, I would hope I would have the courage to say so. What’s cruel is that you are forcing me to say I am not a homosexual.
“This means you are putting homosexuals down. I don’t want to do that.”
George Jochnowitz
I’d vote Garodnick
To The Editor:
Re “Why Garodnick would make the best Council speaker” (talking point, by Chad Marlow, Dec. 19):
If you’ve never seen Daniel Garodnick in action, it’s worth running out and getting a copy of Charlie Bagli’s “Other People’s Money: Inside the Housing Crisis and the Demise of the Greatest Real Estate Deal Ever Made.” You’ll be reading a well-researched and well-presented account of Garodnick in the middle of a real fight, one that had devastating national and international implications. If you read it over the next couple of days, and the speaker’s race is not a done deal, then you will find yourself advocating on Garodnick’s behalf to anyone and everyone you know.
For all of the compromises that were made during the development of Stuyvesant Town generations ago, it ultimately came down to Garodnick in this era, fighting against an illegal windfall that was set in motion before he was even born. I hope our councilmember votes for him.
Patrick Shields
Re-Visiting a few points
To The Editor:
Re “Thanks to N.Y.U., Visiting Neighbors finds a home” (news article, Dec. 19):
Thank you for the article in this last edition of The Villager. It was great to see Al again. However, there were a few errors we wish to have corrected, plus a few clarifications:
First, we also serve the East Village and Gramercy.
Also, our new office is 800 square feet, not 900 square feet.
Our volunteers range in age, not from age 16 to 70, but actually from age 15 to 83.
Age 70 and under are considered “youngsters.”
Most of our seniors are over the age of 85.
The renovation cost of our office was under $60,000 — not $300,000.
Finally, for those interested in volunteering or making a contribution, please call 212-260-6200.
Cynthia Maurer
Maurer is executive director, Visiting Neighbors, Inc.
E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 515 Canal St., Suite 1C, NY, NY 10013. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. The Villager does not publish anonymous letters.