
Letters to the editor

Volume 20 Issue 11 | July 27 – Aug. 3, 2007

Letters to the Editor

Oops, pope did it again

To The Editor:

As a 35-year resident of the West Village and a lifelong practicing Catholic who values Jesus’ model of inclusion and love for all God’s people, I am deeply disappointed that the Vatican has chosen to exclude and distance itself from other Christian churches.

In the recently released document “Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church,” the Vatican has made it clear that they believe other Christian churches “suffer from defects.”

“Not only does this document hinder and potentially damage years of positive ecumenical dialogue and relationships, but it also disregards the example of Jesus,” said Nicole Sotelo, acting co-director of the progressive Catholic organization Call To Action. “Jesus, who was Jewish, invited all people to the table, regardless of religious affiliation. Why can’t the Vatican followthe model of Christ?

“As Catholics who try to follow Christ, we feel impelled to publicly disagree with the Vatican’s document. Our silence would equal complicity. We will not be complicit with exclusion. We believe that the Christian community is bigger than the Catholic Church and that Christ’s model of inclusion must be lived today, as it was 2000 years ago.”

Personally, I would like to apologize to all my Christian and Jewish and Muslim and Hindu and Buddhist friends for the hurtful words coming from Rome.

John Doyle

If a hurricane hit Pier 40

To The Editor:

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff recently warned New York to prepare now for hurricane storm surges that could devastate low-lying portions of the city.

What does this mean for Pier 40? Hurricane storm surges will affect the weakened steel piles of Pier 40. The piles, which were repaired 20 years ago, are once again in need of repair.

This means that more work is needed now, along with a comprehensive engineering study for protection from storm surges. Adaptive reuse of the structure is needed to accommodate all protective options needed in the future.

Bill Hine and Robert Smith

Hine and Smith are members, Save The Piers

Letters policy

Downtown Express welcomes letters to The Editor. They must include the writer’s first and last name, a phone number for confirmation purposes only, and any affiliation that relates directly to the letter’s subject matter. Letters should be less than 300 words. Downtown Express reserves the right to edit letters for space, clarity, civility or libel reasons. Letters should be e-mailed to news@DowntownExpress.com or can be mailed to 145 Sixth Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10013.