Good vending bills
To The Editor: I am writing first to thank you for your coverage of the illegal street vending problems Downtown. The recent article in the Downtown Express entitled “Police, peddlers struggle with vending law” by Julie Shapiro (Sept. 26 – Oct. 1) presented all sides of the issues in a fair and intelligent manner. More importantly, this article didn’t only quote the illegal street vendors in Soho regarding their views on Councilmember Gerson’s proposal. I assume all of the recent letter writing to The Villager and the Downtown Express since that article by these people is because they weren’t quoted.
I am also writing to highlight some of the extreme and frankly not well thought out positions some of these letter writers are taking. For example, a woman named Jill Stasium wrote last week and said that “I am still in vehement opposition to all aspects of the latest bill” proposed by Councilmember Gerson (The Villager, Letters, Oct. 15 – 21). Some of the “crazy” things Mr. Gerson is proposing include:
1. Proper signage to let vendors know where it is legal to vend.
2. Prohibiting vending around subway entrances.
3. Tracking illegal vendors that are arrested so that after their first arrest they receive more than a token $100 fine.
Unless you are a fanatic it’s really hard to “vehemently” oppose what is obviously good policy for the safety of the local residents.
Timothy M. Clark
Southbridge comfort
To The Editor: Re “Longevity’s down side” (Letter by Geraldine Lipschutz, Oct. 17 – 23):
I agree with Geraldine in regard to nursing home living. It is a fact that one of the biggest concerns of the elderly is going to a nursing home. The abuse and neglect in nursing homes are well-documented, but sadly continue.
A high percentage of Southbridge residents are elderly and have lived here for well over 35 years. Geraldine asks “how long will it be before one’s financial limitations take hold?” She goes on to say “those of us with dwindling incomes can see nothing ahead but the eventual move into a nursing home.”
Residents of Southbridge towers, especially the elderly have an opportunity to stay COMFORTABLY in their apartments for the rest of their lives without the worry of being moved to the dreaded nursing home. The elderly will be able to have a home health aide or other assistance at their apartment if and when necessary. How can this happen, you ask? The answer is one word: “Privatization.” If Southbridge goes private, the various avenues for additional income for the elderly will leave them with security, comfort, and peace of mind for the rest of their lives.
Michael Wishner
Poets’ corner
To The Editor: This is in fact a thank you letter. I was delighted to find in the Oct. 10 – 16 issue two poems by Mildred Cavallo, a New York poet whose work I have followed over the years with great pleasure. She has always been able, somehow, to express intense feeling in the simplest and most graceful way. And you presented her Autumn Poems in a really attractive way.
Thank you from a former New Yorker and permanent fan of Mildred Cavallo.
John Ratti Amherst, Mass.
To The Editor: My compliments on your Oct. 10 – 16 edition. I particularly enjoyed the Poets House preview article on page 24 (arts article, “A fairer house than prose: In advance of 2009 move, Poets House previews Battery Park City”) and the op-ed page, which had Autumn Poems by Mildred Cavallo. Incidentally, I have known Mimi Cavallo, my neighbor at I.P.N., for years. Thanks to your bio I found out that she wrote poetry.
I also found your write up on the “Live from New York, it’s the public library” (arts article) on pages 24 and 25 extremely interesting.
Gloria Orlando