
Letters to The Editor, Week of June 15, 2017

Letters to The Editor, Week of Jan. 3, 2018

Harassing tenants a crime

To The Editor:

Re “Croman to serve 1 year on mortgage, tax fraud” (news article, June 8):

It is unbelievable that the current criminal penal codes do not include provisions for harassment, intimidation or creating conditions for uninhabitable apartments, all of which have caused so much agony and pain to Steven Croman’s tenants over the past decades. Currently, only civil remedies are available.

Croman’s penalty of $5 million is nothing compared to the value of the equity he has amassed in his 140-plus buildings.

Bob Dal


Grateful for coverage

To The Editor:

Re “Roll away the dew: Dead fans party like it’s 1967” (news article, June 8):

Thank you so much for the great article. I’m the drummer for Ice Petal Flowers, and both your photos and kind words for the band are deeply appreciated. Thanks again for coming and taking such cool pics.

Have a Grateful day!

Adrian R. Mullins


Masaryk insensitivity

To The Editor:

Re “Masaryk gates are a disgrace” (talking point, by Dodge Landesman, June 8):

Sad to see how insensitive the locals are toward the disabled and elderly.

Susan L. Yung


They wanted Kuby gone

To The Editor:

Re “I’m fired; Who cares why? Kuby as Eboni enters” (news article, June 8):

Curtis and Kuby, together, were the best talk-show hosts on radio, bar none. The chickenbleeps at WABC got rid of Kuby, ostensibly for “budgetary” reasons, but really because Trump, or someone acting on his behalf, wanted him gone.

I tend to agree with Curtis more often than I agree with Kuby (on matters other than Trump). But the firing of Kuby was an act of political and moral cowardice.

Dan Silagi


Not a nameless statistic

To The Editor:

Re “Woman killed by truck was longtime W. 8th St. resident, financial wiz” (news article, May 25):

Kudos to The Villager for providing this profile of Fern.

Do not let the victims of quotidian car-nage be nameless and faceless statistics.

Bill Weinberg


Responds to letters

To The Editor:

In regards to the letter by Cormac Flynn (“Amusing Atzmon articles,” May 25), because Bill Weinberg, in promoting and calling for protests at the Theatre 80 event, repeatedly referenced both Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter antifascist protests, it was reasonable for Stanley Cohen and Lorcan Otway to assume that Weinberg was suggesting the same Black Bloc tactics used at Berkeley protests, which turned into riots.

Regarding the letter on Lynne Stewart (“Blood on Stewart’s hands,” by Joseph Marra, May 25), it was never alleged by the government that anything done by Lynne caused loss of life in Egypt. Look at what she was convicted of and also note that the sentence, at first, was relatively minor until the judge, under pressure from the government, upped it. Also, if loss of life in Egypt had been linked to her, she would never have been released. The comments in the letter attacking her are not based in fact.

John R. Penley


E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 MetroTech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.