
Letters to the Editor, Week of June 22, 2017

Letters to The Editor, Week of Jan. 3, 2018

Yuuge Trump Tower reveal

To The Editor:

Re “One word at a time… ‘Taking’ Trump Tower” (news article, June 15):

Thanks for exposing this public space right under the nose of the Dick-Tater Tot. We will resist and rejoice under the golden towers of greed. See all you Purr Sistas there.

Sara Jones

What we have become

To The Editor:

Re “24-story tower could work at old Chelsea Vocational H.S.: City” (news article, June 15):

I live across the street from this lovely school, and was happy to see the exterior and roof painstakingly restored just a few years ago. This venerable edifice hearkens back to the day when this was a real neighborhood. Donald Trump’s nearby erection — the bankrupt Trump Soho Hotel — where a construction worker was decapitated, is perhaps a more fitting representation of what we have become.

Perhaps all of our once-revered public schools should be sold to real estate developers. New charter schools can be placed in the lobbies of gleaming condos and office buildings, and the monies can be distributed directly to the students, who could really use the windfall to buy weapons and opioids. Wouldn’t that better reflect our current values, than say, renovating the interior of a high school?

Harry Pincus

It’s lease renewals, stupid!

To The Editor:

Re “Pushing for E.V. protective zoning for small stores” (news article, June 15):

The high rents due to the unfair lease-renewal process, in which the tenants have no rights, is the number one issue. The Real Estate Board of New York rigging of our commercial-rent issues in New York City — and the REBNY contributions to political candidates — is the real story.

All the rest is alternative facts — right here in New York City! Facts speak louder and can be understood without the same 30-year-old fake solutions being offered again by our politicians, which will not save even one business.

However, the lease-renewal crisis causing a record 1,200 evictions per month in our city can be truly solved by one well-vetted and -studied solution: the Small Business Jobs Survival Act. In five to 10 minutes, anyone can become an expert and be able to call out the REBNY racketeer rigging of our city’s commercial leasing, just read www.saveNYCjobs.org and save our main streets in every community in all five boroughs!

Stop the crisis. No more studies needed. Learn the facts! Read the Web site (www.SmallBusinessCongress.org) and share the Truth!

Steve Barrison
Barrison is co-chairperson, Coalition To Save NYC Small Businesses

Small stores in the storm

To The Editor:

Mom-and-pop stores face a perfect storm: online retailing, landlord greed and high taxes. Your June 15 issue included two articles about the crisis: “Pushing for E.V. protective zoning for small stores” (news article) and “Why it doesn’t have to be bleaker on Bleecker” (talking point, by Brad Hoylman).

What especially caught my eye was the “Special District Protection” program mentioned in the first article, about Community Board 3, but not in the second article on Bleecker St. Since these protections currently exist in parts of Harlem and Bay Ridge, why doesn’t state Senator Holman mention the possibility?

Ron Singer

Right on, sister!

To The Editor:

Re “Veteran feminists show they’re young at heart at reunion” (news article, June 15):

Great article by Mary Reinholz. Thank you for covering this event!

Diane Lebedeff

Select Buses? Noooo!

To The Editor:

Right on schedule and as expected, we are going to get Select Bus Service shoved on us, and the disruption to 14th St. and the traffic throttling this entails. Even a few public voices are being raised against traffic throttling. We do not need Select Bus Service.

The only means of getting Uptown or Downtown in the deliberately created congestion is by car service.

Let’s hope the current traffic throttling is set aside for several years. We are paying and voting for people who are making us miserable.

John Wetherhold

Media fuels violence?

To The Editor:

I am listening to the news, this early morning. Some congressional members have been shot. Is this the commencement of the overt violence that is to come?

Is this the consequence of the viciousness of the avaricious media that has lost its mind regarding the loss of the presidency to Donald Trump?

It is no longer about Trump, but about the left, who have been in ascendance — and so, now losing to Donald, they have lost their minds.

The New York Times no longer publishes all the news fit to print but, rather, it prints speculation, right on the front page, claiming that Donald will fire Mueller, which is not news, not true, and so, proves my contention that the media has lost all grip.

We are in for a long, nasty ride. Oy vey.

Bert Zackim

E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 MetroTech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.