
Letters to The Editor, Week of May 30, 2019

Letters to The Editor, Week of Jan. 3, 2018
Greenwich Village housing activist and zoning specialist Doris Diether, Manhattan’s longest-serving community board member at 52 years, has been standing up to power since 1960. She started her activism with a protest against Robert Moses over a plan to scrap Shakespeare in the Park. (Photo by Tequila Minsky)

Congrats, Doris! To The Editor: Re “Village’s Diether among Lemlich honorees” (news article, May 23): Big, loud congrats to Doris Diether who has served all parts of her community with brains, courage, wit, charm and ageless beauty. Martha Danziger   Spot-on op-ed To The Editor: Re “Foxes guard City Planning henhouse” (op-ed, by Lynn Ellsworth, May 23): Another brilliant, well-researched piece by Lynn Ellsworth. Bad development is out of control. We need elected officials and political appointees to do the right thing. Fix the charter. Stop the conflicts of interest. Stop the bad development. Alison Greenberg   Earth-elujah To The Editor: Re “Rev. ratchets up RoundUp attack” (news article, May 23): If a man-made chemical is strong enough to kill plants, it cannot be good for the Earth. Constant spraying affects the soil and nearby plants. We lie in the grass that is coated with glyphosates. Wildlife can’t avoid being in contact with glyphosates. We should not have this poisonous chemical in our parks or our lawns. Thank you, Rev Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir. I noticed that goats are coming in to deal the weeds. I just hope that they won’t be grazing near plantlife sprayed with that noxious RoundUp! Barbara R. Lee   Cost was healthy To The Editor: Re “Village E.D. gets a community checkup” (Health article, May 9): Thank you for your excellent report on the Community Board 2 Social Services Committee forum on Lenox Health Greenwich Village. Anna Allen of Say Ah! was right in saying that people need to get educated about healthcare’s financial aspects. As the resident cited who incurred the big charges for being in good health, I’d like to educate your readers on the charges: more than $750 for the ambulance ride, more than $500 for lab work, and in excess of $350 for the doctors. So, somewhere between $1,600 and $2,000 for feeling dizzy. In the future, I’ll call my doctor, not 911, unless I’m sure it’s an emergency. Because L.H.G.V. told my insurance it wasn’t an emergency, I got stuck with the bill. I’ll also have a good conversation with my doctor about how to recognize an emergency situation. Thank you, Say Ah! Barry Drogin   Thrown to the curb To The Editor: Re “Grand stops restored to M14A route” (news article, May 23): Seniors from the West Village seem to have been thrown to the curb. A hospital has been eliminated. The Abingdon Square stop is planned for elimination. Do people just not care? What else could explain this. Carol A. Venticinque   Do the math To The Editor: Re “Grand stops restored to M14A route” (news article, May 23): So the M14 is the city’s second-most-used bus route and also the second slowest? Well, duh! If more people are getting on and getting off, of course it takes the bus longer to complete its route. Can’t anyone do the math? Rayna Skolnik   E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 MetroTech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.