
Letters, Week of Feb. 26, 2014

Landlord rent regulation  could save Mom & Pop

To The Editor:
Re “Parting Ways with the Neighborhood They Helped Define” (news, Jan. 29):

Gone: Chelsea’s long time small stores — and the same is true of the Village (East and West), the Upper West Side, and Williamsburg and on and on! The story is the same for Manhattan, Brooklyn, Long Island City…I could go on, but you get the idea.

Our neighborhood establishments now seem geared to serve the needs of more and more affluent populations as time goes on. I recall a proposal made by then-City Councilmember Ruth Messenger, and it’s an idea whose time has come again.

How about a sort of rent regulation for landlords? Details to be worked out, but it is the doubling and tripling (or more) of commercial rents that have forced so many small stores to close their doors, thereby changing the face of so many neighborhoods. Isn’t that an awful lot of power in the hands of so few? The ability to change the character of so many neighborhoods should not be totally unregulated.
Gloria Sukenick

Identity House pride

To The Editor:
Re: “Identity House: A Half-Century of Love” (news, Feb. 12):

It has been an honor to be connected with Identity House and to you, Lee. My heart is full reading about your personal history and the history of IHouse. I continue to be impressed by the young people who come forward to commit the time and energy to help their peers. I am proud of them, and of all the ones before them who have made this possible.
Joan Zimmerman

Thanks for the herstory lesson

To The Editor:
Re: “Identity House: A Half-Century of Love” (news, Feb. 12):

Congratulations for renewing your relationship and a big thank you for all you both have done! Life is fulfilling and exciting with this organization. I didn’t know all this history (or herstory!) and thank you again for helping to keep this organization growing! Lee and Lucy I wish you all the best of love, excitement and good health!
Gary M Prottas

LGBTs in debt to L&L

To The Editor:
Re: “Identity House: A Half-Century of Love” (news, Feb. 12):

Every LGBT person, of whatever age, owes a huge debt to Lee and Lucy, our incredible IDH pioneers who helped so many for so long. Times may have changed, but the struggle continues. Bless you both. Long may the honeymoon run.
Ed Sczesnak

At Identity House, Lives saved  and connections made

To The Editor:
Re: “Identity House: A Half-Century of Love” (news, Feb. 12):

I’m joining the chorus to congratulate you Lee and Lucy, celebrating your enduring relationship and marriage. How wonderful to be introduced by Lee’s mother! That’s so unique! Identity House is a special volunteer organization that has helped countless LGBT persons, saved many lives and has been a place of friendships and connections. Many couples even met there, through their work or at social functions. Life for many in New York is richer and more fulfilling thanks to the pioneers who founded Identity House, foremost among them Lee and Lucy. Thanks!.
Jacob Gershni

A liberating ripple effect

To The Editor:
Re: “Identity House: A Half-Century of Love” (news, Feb. 12):

A wonderful story and a wonderful adventure. I am so grateful to Lee, Lucy and all the great and brave people who worked hard to make Identity House possible. I believe that whatever liberates one of us helps all of us — no matter how we identify sexually. We all need room to be ourselves.
Elinor Greenberg

The legacy of pioneers, living and gone

To The Editor:
Re: “Identity House: A Half-Century of Love” (news, Feb. 12):

Congratulations to two of the greatest pioneers, who helped paved the way for all of the LGBTQ Community. Although Pat Kelley is deeply missed, his spirit lives on thanks to your efforts. I am so honored to be a part of Identity House, working alongside of others who feel the commitment to carry on your legacy.
Eddie Harper

In “Parting Ways with the Neighborhood They Helped Define” (news, Jan. 29), we indicated that The Dish has been open for 34 years. The correct number is 16 — still an achievement, and certainly enough to qualify it for membership in the list of “longtime remaining eateries” on Eighth Avenue.



Get involved, at the precinct level 
Re “CB4 Sees Presentation, Hears Frustrations” (news, Feb. 12):

I must disagree with those who feel the 10th precinct isn’t interested in, or doesn’t have plans to address the prostitution and drug dealing that is prevalent around these porn shops in our neighborhood. They are actively involved with residents and block associations in the vicinity and plans are in place to rid our streets of these activities. One thing that residents can do is to continue to go to precinct Community Council meetings (the last Wednesday of each month) as well as CB4 meetings, and let your voices be heard. There is strength in numbers when working to eradicate these elements from our neighborhood. It’s easy to simply gripe, but it will take the active participation of all to address these issues.
Mark Johannes


Chelsea Now squandering its resources
Re “Noise Complaints Aside, Theatre May Violate Zoning Laws” (news, Feb. 12):

Well written and researched. BUT, with all the blatant overdevelopment and mega wealth trumping all sense of civility (and building code) — added with the google-twitterfication chomp chomping of Chelsea (flooded with shining twentysomething, code-grinding, pre-stressed denim entitlers everywhere creating a massive upheaval to working class Chelsea and beyond), you choose to focus your powers on dismantling a group of not-so-powerful artists, who are trying to add real value to real people’s lives — and you keep the spotlight away from the very same dark power interests that continue to roll over most things good.

Well done.
Concerned in Chelsea

DOB should focus on legitimate violations

Re “Noise Complaints Aside, Theatre May Violate Zoning Laws” (news, Feb. 12):

The DOB [Department of Buildings] almost never does a bloody thing about legitimate code violations when some landlord or powerful developer is calling the shots. But let there be something slightly amiss with the building code filing of an arts organization, and these guys suited up and mobilized, and arrived at the cell like some SWAT team between the time this article came out, and before to that night’s performance started! I was there — it was ridiculous!

E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to scott@chelseanow.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to Chelsea Now, Letters to the Editor, 515 Canal St., Suite 1C, NY, NY 10013. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. Chelsea Now reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Chelsea Now does not publish anonymous letters.