
Letters, Week of July 23, 2015

Letters to The Editor, Week of Jan. 3, 2018

Gotta hand it to Schwartz

To The Editor:
Re “Village district leader arrested after removing landlord’s spy cameras” (news article, July 16):

Your article about male Village District Leader and labor attorney Arthur Z. Schwartz shows how important it is for a tenant to have a highly skilled and brilliant attorney on her side when she is being attacked by an unscrupulous landlord and his representatives who want her rent-controlled apartment.

Although Schwartz’s vigorously defending his client, elderly senior citizen Ruth Berk, has led to his arrest because he removed spy cameras that were harassing her, Schwartz will be exonerated and will go on to the counterattack. 

Although I considered running against Arthur for male Village Democratic district leader, as a result of a series of e-mail exchanges with Arthur, he convinced me he would make a better district leader than me, though either one of us would have been a good choice for the voters.
Gil Horowitz, Psy.D.
Horowitz is executive director, Knights of the Stonewall Riots — Stonewall Veterans Alliance

A load of good info!

To The Editor:
Re “Paper, plastic, park…maybe even art in Gansevoort mix” (news article, July 16):

Thank you for your fascinating piece on the marine waste-transfer station. I gained greater respect for the thought that goes into disposing of the trash we all produce. 

If putting a marine transfer station into Hudson River Park can’t be avoided, a decision about it should be made sooner rather than later so that good planning can proceed.

Let’s hope that the park earns top dollar for alienating this precious piece of land; that the Whitney’s Adam Weinberg and others help the city use the highest aesthetics and engineering in its design; and that truck traffic is controlled so as to protect our enjoyment of open space.
Susanna Aaron
Aaron is secretary of the board of directors, Friends of Hudson River Park

Verdict on N.Y.U. case: Awful

To The Editor:
Re “A really sad day” (letters, by Sylvia Rackow, July 16):

Thank you, Ms. Rackow, for your eloquent letter on how the state court judges used the narrowest definition of the law to perpetuate an assault on parks and gardens in Downtown Manhattan and all of New York City. Issues not considered — such as air quality, public health, environmental health, quality of life and, sadly in this case, even the perilous financial health of New York University — are a result of approving this ill-conceived N.Y.U. 2031 mega-building plan. 

What allows our political and judicial representatives to go against common sense, conscience and the people they were elected to represent?
A.S. Evans

Good letter, by George!

To The Editor:
Re “Paved with potholes” (letter, by George Jochnowitz, July 2):

Thanks to The Villager’s coverage and our first vice chairperson’s catching it, Community Board 2 learned about the potholes on Greene St. between Washington and Waverly Places. C.B. 2 immediately notified the city Department of Transportation, which, in turn, had its Roadway Division investigate conditions at the site. 

D.O.T. patched the potholes with asphalt on July 10, and they’re now looking into when they can repair the damaged cobblestones (Belgian blocks) there.

For the information of Mr. Jochnowitz, as well as for the rest of the community, potholes can be reported to C.B. 2 by phoning  212-979-2272 or e-mailing info@cb2manhattan.org.  We’ll then convey the report to D.O.T. and ask them to follow up. They’re usually quite responsive.
Shirley Secunda
Secunda is chairperson, C.B. 2 Traffic and Transportation Committee

Keep Greene St. ’stoned!

To The Editor:
Re “Paved with potholes” (letter, by George Jochnowitz, July 2):

Greene St. is the last cobblestone street in the heart of Greenwich Village. That’s why my block association worked so hard some years back to get it restored. The entire length was to have been done, but only one block from W. Foruth St. to Washington Place was.

Rita Lee, then-manager of Community Board 2, was instrumental in getting the city’s Department of Transportation to take on this project. Bob Gormley, the current district manager, should step in now and get this job back on the drawing board, before D.O.T. sends in the asphalt machine. Councilmember Margaret Chin could also be contacted to get this project moving.

I urge all our neighbors to contact them, and everyone else you think of, and ask them to help us repair, restore and save the cobblestones.
Noreen Shipman
Shipman is a member, Washington Place Block Association

Kicking ourselves

To The Editor:
Re “Kickin’ it in the canyon” (photo story, July 16):

Look at all of the young women in these photos at the tickertape parade. What I see is the single most effective group of girl empowerers — world-class sports champions. 

It saddens me to look back and see the missed opportunity to have pro soccer — women’s and men’s — be the anchor, and savior, of Pier 40, and a consistent revenue source for the Hudson River Park. And to think that assemblymember is a woman, too. ….

Remember the missed opportunities, and the gift to developers (the park air-rights legislation) we eventually got in the middle of the night.

What progress has been made on saving Pier 40? 

I’ve been calling for a women’s pro team to be part of a pro-soccer Pier 40 solution since 2008. 

Girls need heroes, too. 

Put both pro soccer teams — men’s and women’s teams — on half of Pier 40, and the Hudson River Park is flush.
Patrick Shields

E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.