
Letters, Week of May 15, 2013

Not in-Spire-ational

To The Editor:

I don’t find anything ceremonial about the topping of a spire of a building that was hardly liked by the people (Posted DowntownExpress.com, May 2, “Last spire piece reaches top of 1 W.T.C.— assembly required”).

Not only is this so-called One World Trade Center truly not the tallest building in the hemisphere, but not in the nation, or the state.

The main reason why I don’t appreciate this building is because of the fact that it was built in the fear of a terrorist attack rather than having back what was taken us from that day, which was the Twin Towers, making it nothing more than a bad replacement.  In reality, we really did let the terrorists change us on 9/11 by allowing for this to be built.

Just imagine if this was the Empire State Building or Statue of Liberty that was destroyed and those in charge said that they didn’t want them rebuilt either because they would claim it would be disrespectful to those that died, or that it would just become another target.

Tal Barzilai

Religious education 

To The Editor:

I have taken note of the report of “No Charter Member” on your website (UnderCover, May 1 – 14). I appreciate that your website exposes the fraudulent letter of intent submitted by Miss Wang Tongwen (Dr. Lotus King Weiss). However, I’d also like to point out two critical misconceptions in your report: One, Falun Gong is not a controversial practice; two, Miss Wang Tongwen is not a genuine Falun Gong practitioner.

Many democratic countries in the world, including allies of the Chinese Communist Party, recognize Falun Dafa (Falun Gong), and in these countries Falun Dafa are free to practice and spread. Falun Dafa is one of the mainstream beliefs in most countries except communist China.

Falun Dafa (minghui.org and Clearwisdom.net) has issued a note and clearly declared that Miss Wang Tongwen is not a true Falun Gong practitioner.

Wang Tongwen claims that she wants to spread the doctrine (teaching) of Confucius, but it is well known that Confucius is an atheist (Analects of Confucius clearly says that he does not believe in God). Falun Dafa practitioners are theists, who worship Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi and his teachings “Zhuan Falun”. It is impossible for a true Falun Dafa practitioner to try to spread Confucius’ atheism.

We are grateful for your kind attention to Falun Dafa and its cause. We hope your can post our open letter to clarify the situation.

Juliana Song

Flushing, New York