
Letters, Week of May 28, 2015

Letters to The Editor, Week of Jan. 3, 2018

Shut down nuke plant

To The Editor:
Re “Fire is latest flashpoint at nuclear power plant” (news article, May 21):

Well, I didn’t get arrested for nothing on Aug. 6, 1979, when I and others took part in a civil disobedience protest at the nuke plant at Indian Point.

I still say, “Shut it down now.”

I wonder where have all the anti-nukers gone.
Aron Kay a.k.a. The Yippie Pie Man

Broadway sign bummer

To The Editor:
Day after day, month after month, year after year, I have been crossing Broadway at Eighth St. Passersby frequently ask me where Broadway is. I tell them that they are on Broadway, and that if they walk a block north or a block south, they will see a sign telling them so.

There are signs at that corner saying “E. 8th St.” Once in a while, a sign appears saying “Broadway,” but then it vanishes. The city ought to signs put up signs saying “Broadway” at that intersection and keep them there.
George Jochnowitz

M11 bus driving me crazy!

To The Editor:
The night of May 17 was just another example of the fact that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority really doesn’t care about its customers — especially seniors.

As for the M11 route, which ventures north from Bethune and Greenwich Sts. to Ninth Ave. and W. 14th St. and Tenth Ave., the service seems worse than ever!

On May 17, I arrived at the M11 bus stop at W. 46th St. and Ninth Ave. at 10:45 p.m. Some 30 minutes later, with two other potential passengers still waiting — one told me she had been there more than 20 minutes when I arrived — here comes a bus. All hopes were high!  But its sign read: “NEXT BUS PLEASE.” To make matters worse, the driver gave us two honks. Just what we needed.

Finally, at around 11:30 p.m., Bus No. 6415 arrived. Before boarding, I announced how long I’d been waiting, plus the two others who had been waiting.

“Where have you been?” I asked.

The driver responded, “You don’t want to know about my day!”

From pickup to Horatio St., with the driver actually speeding! — he must have been close to getting off work!  — I was at my stop at 11:50 p.m.

I don’t know how bad his day could have been. It was late on a Sunday, and traffic was flowing.

Who rides these buses? A lot of seniors, who have some problems. And long waits only exasperate the situation.

Why can’t service be more reliable?

The M.T.A. has added an M12 bus that goes up the West Side Highway to Columbus Circle. I’ve ridden that bus three times, once in the late morning and twice in the early afternoon. On two of those rides I was the only passenger; on another one, I was one of two! What service is this bus providing? 

And why can’t some of those empty ones be used on the M11 route instead of crossing 42nd St. empty?

I am always puzzled that the M11 never earns a spot on the “longest wait” lists. Unless one is very lucky, waits are up to 40 minutes. This is a disgrace in a city such as New York City. A puzzling disgrace!

And the bus is supposed to have a dedicated lane. Why doesn’t the city enforce this? And why do the buses have to creep along at five miles an hour?

Many Third World cities I’ve worked in have far superior bus service.

And yet the M.T.A. does nothing! Nothing!

How about finally doing something!
Ellis Nassour

Fix Wash. Sq. sidewalks!

To The Editor:
Our Village is going to pot. Our streets are filled with unfilled potholes that remain unfilled. Even worse, after all that money they spent to fix Washington Square Park — and even moved the fountain — the sidewalks around the park remain in disrepair.

You would think New York University, given its proximity to the park and its eagerness to “improve” our neighborhood with its park-stealing N.Y.U. 2031 building program, would have asked for repairs. Why is the de Blasio administration not fixing our infrastructure?

So when, oh when, will someone in authority order the repairs? Or should we all be delighted that our Village is going to pot?
Sylvia Rackow
Rackow is chairperson, Committee to Preserve Our Neighborhood

E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.