
Letters, Week of Sept. 11, 2014

Teach those tyrants

To The Editor:
Re: Tenants’ Rights Trashed Amidst Market-Rate Conversion (news, Aug. 14)

Terrible! This should not be happening to the tenants. As some of the above posters said: Do not move period. Let this drag out to court, it will take years. I am well aware of how such slumlords like Zampetti and Nussbaum operate. Kudos to Hoylman, Johnson and Gottfried for standing with the tenants. The tenants should now take an offensive stance, it seem they have just been on the defense till now. Take action and teach these tyrants a lesson they will never forget.
Ari Cohen

Reader Comments From ChelseaNow.com

Re “Tenants’ Rights Trashed Amidst Market-Rate Conversion” (news, Aug. 14):
Potential newbies need to know

Start to picket. Picket in front of the building when potential new tenants are shown the building. Picket in front of the owners’ home and places where they dine. Make their loved ones and community aware of what they are doing. This works. You need to take this to them, and turn it up several notches. Good luck.
Rachel Miller

The 411 on 311
I live down the block from this building. Why aren’t the tenants shouting more? They should canvas the neighborhood with fliers, and petition their cause to community boards over and over. Do you have a tenant organizer? You must be on the attack. Call 311. Call the police EVERY time there is even a small violation observed. I have called 311 a couple of times, as I can’t even walk my dog on that part of the block because of the construction debris on the street. And do not budge from your apartments.

E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to Scott@ChelseaNow.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to Chelsea Now, Letters to the Editor, NYC Community Media, Once Metrotech North, 10th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. Chelsea Now reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Chelsea Now does not publish anonymous letters.