Dear Transit Sam,
I have a question about “No Standing Anytime” signs that pertain to one parking spot only. What is the logic behind designating only one parking spot as a “No Standing Anytime” area? Is it a conspiracy to generate extra revenue for the city at the expense of the people who may not read the signs carefully? One example I’m curious about is on Gold Street and Beekman Street facing north. Thanks for your help.
Johnny, Lower Manhattan
Dear Johnny,
It’s called “daylighting” by traffic engineers and its intent is not to raise money or confuse drivers but for safety and/or mobility. “Daylighting” is the clearing of parking near intersections so that drivers can see pedestrians and cross-traffic or turning vehicles better. At Gold Street and Beekman Street, the “No Standing Anytime” sign is in place for one car length so drivers can better see pedestrians using the crosswalk to cross from east to west. “Daylighting” is also used to make it easier for trucks and buses to turn onto a street or to add capacity at an intersection.
Transit Sam