
NYC weather: A long, snowy winter is on the way, AccuWeather forecasters say

Button up your overcoat – and beg, borrow or buy one if you don’t have one already.

After our balmy Indian summer, winter is going to be rough, with above-normal season snowfall and more frequent storms, Accuweather has predicted.

“I think the Northeast is going to see more than just a few, maybe several, systems in the course of the season,” AccuWeather long-range forecaster Paul Pastelok said in a statement.

Last winter’s snowfall arrived in just a few heavy hitting doses, but this winter will feature frequent “snow events” and last well into the early or middle part of spring, according to the forecasting service.

Snow accumulation won’t be as severe south of NYC, which will be hit with more sleet and rain.

NYC will have a lower-than-average number of sub-zero days but temps will range an average of three to five degrees lower than those of winter 2015-2016.

Yet, we are likely to survive winter better than the oranges and grapefruits: “I am afraid that we have a shot at seeing a damaging freeze in central Florida in mid to late January,” that could spell disaster for citrus farmers, Pastelok said.

So who’s immune to the ick of ice and snow? “Warm and dry conditions will span much of the season for central and Southern California and the Southwest,” according to Accuweather.