
Soap.com, online retailer, shows off NYC stats

About 62% of condoms ordered in NYC on the site went to Manhattan customers.
About 62% of condoms ordered in NYC on the site went to Manhattan customers. Photo Credit: Miramax Pictures

The online retailer Soap.com has released some factoids about New Yorkers health habits.

The site, which is celebrating its fourth anniversary, broke down its users purchases by borough and found some interesting results:

About 62% of condoms ordered in NYC on the site went to Manhattan customers, while Staten Island users only represented 1%. Bushwick and Williamsburg had the most condoms per order, however.

Bronx users order the most makeup and the highest percentage of deodorant in the city.

The Lower East Side seems to like to keep it bare since it orders the most shaving and grooming products in the city.

Jamaica, Queens orders have a higher percentage of cough, cold, and flu medications than vitamin supplements.