AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT: Illicit listing | In the latest instance in these pages of personal information used for online scams, a W. 19th St. resident discovered that someone had been using her email address for a Craigslist advertisement — which, seeing as it’s Craigslist, unsurprisingly offered sexual favors in its copy. As the 26-year-old victim reported to police on Thurs., Feb. 16, she’d never had an account with the site before, and clearly didn’t post the ad. While she was able to manage to delete the posting, it wasn’t before a number of skeevy solicitors contacted her in response to the explicit listing, causing annoyance and alarm. It is presently unclear who posted the ad, and why they did so.
PETIT LARCENY: Java jacked | As the jingle goes: “The best part of waking up is, erm… petty theft and destruction of property.” That parodic melody must have been what the staff of Gristedes (307 W. 26th St., at W. 24th St.) were singing anyway, after noticing, upon opening the store on Wed., Feb. 15 at 7am, that someone had pried their coffee machine open with a screwdriver, messing up the device to take a relatively paltry $10 from the vending portion of the machine (and presumably, some joe for the road). While staff are confident the perp took that small sum while the location was open for business the night before, there did not seem to be video evidence of the incident available.
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: Rock and roll away | It’s pretty clear that these unruly hooligans don’t live in glass houses — but they probably should have known that throwing stones is frowned upon in polite society regardless of your housing situation. According to a 55-year-old Staten Island driver, while sitting in his car (a 2014 GM carryall) at the northeast corner of 11th Ave. and W. 26th St. around 7:30pm on Sat., Feb. 18, a group of eight or nine males started throwing rocks at his vehicle for reasons unknown. This caused a window to break, and resulted in over $1,000 worth of damages to the vehicle. Understandably, the man didn’t stick around to try to talk it out with the attackers. No one was arrested in connection to the incident.
PETIT LARCENY: Cast your bag to the wind | Even in these troubled times, you really can’t prepare for the entropy and chaos life throws at you — at least, that’s the lesson a 29-year-old man learned on Sat., Feb. 18. He was reportedly walking near the northeast corner of W. 38th St. and Ninth Ave. at 10pm, when, all of a sudden, a strange 20-something woman grabbed his bag, threw it over the edge of a nearby bridge for indiscernible reasons, and then made a getaway. According to the perplexed victim, the bag contained a number of shirts and hats, as well as three different containers of medication; the woman was not apprehended.
PETIT LARCENY: Pin(t)head | Usually the brain freeze happens after eating the ice cream — but this unsubtle thief seemed to have gotten a head start when trying to give authorities the slip. At about 12:25pm on Sun., Feb. 19, an employee of CVS (272 Eighth Ave., btw. W. 23rd & 24th Sts.) was making the rounds at the store, and noticed a man try to surreptitiously exit the building with some merch without paying. Honestly, though, it seems kind of hard to casually stroll out of a store with 12 pints of ice cream (valued at $75) on your person and not have people take notice, regardless of whether you paid or not. The cold, calculated criminal was apprehended by the witness and arrested.
THE 10th PRECINCT: Located at 230 W. 20th St. (btw. Seventh & Eighth Aves.). Commander: Capt. Paul Lanot. Main number: 212-741-8211. Community Affairs: 212-741-8226. Crime Prevention: 212-741-8226. Domestic Violence: 212-741-8216. Youth Officer: 212-741-8211. Auxiliary Coordinator: 212-924-3377. Detective Squad: 212-741-8245. The Community Council meets on the last Wed. of the month, 7pm, at the 10th Precinct or other locations to be announced.
MIDTOWN SOUTH PRECINCT: Located at 357 W. 35th St. (btw. Eighth & Ninth Aves.). Inspector: Russel J. Green. Call 212-239-9811. Community Affairs: 212-239-9846. Crime Prevention: 212-239-9846. Domestic Violence: 212-239-9863. Youth Officer: 212-239-9817. Auxiliary Coordinator: 212-239-9836. Detective Squad: 212-239-9856. The Community Council meets on the third Thurs. of the month, 7pm, at the New Yorker Hotel (481 Eighth Ave., btw. W. 34th & W. 35th St.). Visit
THE 13th PRECINCT: Located at 230 E. 21st St. (btw. Second & Third Aves.). Deputy Inspector: Brendan Timoney. Call 212-477-7411. Community Affairs: 212-477-7427. Crime Prevention: 212-477-7427. Domestic Violence: 212-477-3863. Youth Officer: 212-477-7411. Auxiliary Coordinator: 212-477-4380. Detective Squad: 212-477-7444. The Community Council meets on the third Tues. of the month, 6:30pm, at the 13th Precinct.
CASH FOR GUNS | $100 cash will be given (no questions asked) for each handgun, assault weapon or sawed-off shotgun, up to a maximum payment of $300. Guns are accepted at any Police Precinct, PSA or Transit District.