
Sotomayor is the toast, and the tour, of Bedford St.


Last Friday, Sonia Sotomayor got a fond send-off from friends and neighbors before she departed by car from her Bedford St. home en route to Washington, D.C., for confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court the next day. At Blue Ribbon Market across the street — where Sotomayor is known for buying her favorite, sturgeon on toast, or sometimes just breadsticks and a decaf — Sasha Acosta and Milcar Cruz said “Sonia mania” continues. “People come in here asking for ‘the judge toast’ or ‘the Sotomayor toast’ — I’d say, almost once a day,” Acosta said on Monday. “One couple wanted coffee and breadsticks. They were very New Yorky. They said, ‘We’re on the Sotomayor tour!’ We didn’t have any breadsticks, so they left.”