
Transit Sam

Dear Transit Sam,

As a senior who relies on public transportation, I welcomed the recent change which provided our Lower East Side community on Grand St. with crosstown bus service via Houston St. and a direct connection to the B, D, F, and M subway lines at the Broadway/Lafayette station. Upon seeking to make the transfer from the M21 bus to the subway however, I learned there is no stop for the westbound bus between Mott St., two blocks east of the Lafayette subway entrance and Greene St, two blocks west of the Broadway entrance.

 Noting that there’s a convenient curbside cut adjacent to the new Adidas building on the east side of Broadway on Houston St. right at the subway entrance, we’ve written to the MTA, NYC Department of Transportation and our Community Board to ask that a bus stop be established there. Anything you may be able to do to help us would be very much appreciated.

Mel, East River Housing Cooperative at Grand St. and FDR Drive


Dear Mel,

I’m glad to hear something positive finally came out of the recent service reductions and cuts (I’m sure the MTA is too). I’m also happy to report that after speaking with the MTA, they are in fact considering your suggestion since it would provide more convenient access, while also minimizing any additional costs. However, there are two things that need to happen first. Number one – the MTA needs to make sure the location doesn’t conflict with another one of their projects starting up soon (the installation of an elevator to make the station handicap-accessible/ADA-compliant). Then number two — the MTA would need final approval from the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT). I’ll write about the outcome sometime in the future, but I’m cautiously optimistic.

Transit Sam

Dear Transit Sam,

I’m hearing the Hudson St. entrance to the Holland Tunnel will close in the near future. Do you know why?

Marv, Tribeca

Dear Marv,

Yes I do. The city is repairing the water mains underneath Hudson St. Therefore, they need to close the entrance around-the-clock for at least the next three to five years. As of this writing, the closure is expected to begin around 11 p.m. Sunday night. Drivers will have to use alternative approaches on Broome, Canal or Varick Sts. for access to the tunnel.

Transit Sam

Tell me how the MTA service cuts are affecting your day-to-day commutes! Transit Sam wants to know! E-mail me at TransitSam@downtownexpress.com or write Transit Sam, c/o SSE, 611 Broadway, Suite 415, NY, NY, 10012.