Date: Thurs., July 28–Wed., Aug. 3
Looks like we need a choreographer at the tunnels. The Holland Tunnel will have one eastbound tube closed (two lanes closed) from 11 p.m. Thursday until 5 a.m. Friday, slowing traffic in both directions and creating delays on Canal St., Broome St., and Varick St. At the same time, the south tube of the Lincoln Tunnel (two lanes) will be closed. Also, the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel will have one tube closed (two lanes) from 8:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Thursday and Friday, as well as from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. Saturday.
The Williamsburg Bridge will have one outer lane closed in both directions from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, and one inner lane closed in both directions from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday and Wednesday. Anticipate delays on Delancey St., and allow extra travel time getting into the city. Be sure to follow me on Twitter @GridlockSam and check the website for more updates on closures as the week goes on.
The FDR Drive will completely close in both directions between 61st and 96th Sts. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from 11:59 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next morning, with some lanes closing at 11 p.m. and remaining closed until 11 a.m. The following ramps will be closed: northbound ramps at 34th, 48th, and 62nd Sts. and southbound ramps at 3rd Avenue Bridge, 125th, 116th, 92nd, 79th, 73rd, and 34th Sts. Expect more traffic on West St.
From the mailbag:
Dear Transit Sam,
I have been having trouble renewing my NYC Special Parking ID permit [for persons with disabilities] this year, and I am wondering why. For over 40 years I have sent in my renewal forms two to tree months before the renewal date, and always receive the permit before the old one expires. This year, I sent in the paperwork, and did not receive my permit before the expiration date, which was almost a month ago. This is causing me many issues, including getting a ticket. I would appreciate your help!
Cory Koven, Chelsea
Dear Cory,
The DOT is in the process of modernizing its permit system, and is currently offering a grace period to extend the expiration date of Special Parking permits to Oct. 1, 2016. You should receive your new permit by that date. As for the ticket, I will clear this up with the Department of Finance. The NYPD has also been alerted, so hopefully, no more tickets.
Transit Sam