
WTC train station


Construction on the $2.21-billion PATH World Trade Center commuter-subway station began in November and is expected to open in 2009. Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, an artist and engineer who is sometimes called “the poet of train stations” has patterned the building after a bird and envisions doves being released and flying through a roof that will open every Sept. 11.

The Port Authority project will link to World Trade Center subway lines (A,C,E, 1, N, R, W) and will have an underground connection to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Fulton Street Transit Center being built a block away.

Longer term plans are to build a new link from the Calatrava station to J.F.K. Airport and the Long Island Rail Road.

While all of this is being built, the Port Authority’s temporary WTC PATH station, which reopened in Nov. 2003 and quickly became the system’s busiest stop, will remain open.

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