
Op-Ed | Why Democrats and Republicans are intimidated by A.O.C.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. (Photo by Mark Hallum)

By Kena Dijiba

What’s quite interesting on both sides of the aisle leaning towards the traditional zone of the Democratic party, is the fear attached to the ideas of a superstar progressive by the name of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Just by the sheer utter of her name it’s clear that there’s confidence attached to the popular representative. Her youth and attractive attributes obviously contribute to her intellect and influence across the country, and aid in the criticism plunged at her ever so unapologetically. The key to breaking down why the conservatives along with liberals are so intolerant of A.O.C can be tied down to how Millennials differ from their mothers, fathers and grandparents. 

Being a progressive in this strict two-party system can be isolating. What’s been highlighted through A.O.C’s political preferences, and her comradery with Senator Bernie Sanders, is how hypocritical the Democratic party can be. Optics are very important for both Conservatives and Democrats, but what’s frustrating is the blatant disregard for actual change. It’s as if Democrats know the enticement behind having someone like an A.O.C or Sanders at the forefront when it relates to social currency, and even representation, but at the end of the day that’s all traditional liberals actually desire from them. 

Whenever A.O.C endorsed Sanders for the presidency the pushback from people of the same party was probably just as strong as towards the opposite. The sensationalism behind pioneers like a Sanders or A.O.C transforming America into a complete socialistic country was used as collateral to bring each of them down. 

The contempt for Cortez on the Republican front is more vitriolic and strongly vocalized. It’s as if conservatives don’t like Cortez not only based on her proactive attitude towards revamping the state of America, but they also aren’t keen on the possibility of her significance as a politician in the future. Her charisma has been recognized on each playing field, and for many young people who all want what she’s serving in relation to canceling student loan debt, and providing universal free health care, they could have a problem on their hands in their perception of her as too radical. 

What needs to be understood as deep change ensues is that now, during this decade, there is a new sheriff in town. Millennials are ready to see more diversity not just in skin color but most importantly in thought. That’s why they are defeated by the choices of who to vote for this November, but still invigorated at the actualized fantasy that soon the faces representing their morals and strife will be attached to how they genuinely feel. That this gap between time will surely fade away and one day their desires will be fulfilled.