Sen. Bernie Sanders’ supporters just won’t admit they are “being ridiculous.” Even after comedian Sarah Silverman screamed it over incessant “Ber-nie” chants on the first night of the Democratic National Convention Monday night.
And even after their fearless Sanders told them he’s with her.
Chanting “Hey, hey DNC we won’t vote for Hillary” and “Bernie or Bust,” delegates and fans streaming out of the Wells Fargo Center after Sanders delivered his speech would not give in that their candidate’s run is over.
“Didn’t change my mind at all,” said Jonathon Holt of California. “Thousands are deserting the party because of this.”
Bruce Jones, a California Sanders delegate, says he won’t support Hillary Clinton, especially not until roll call Tuesday night. “I have 50,000 votes to represent and I won’t let them down.”
Scott Brown, a delegate from Georgia, was unswayed. “If Trump wins in November, so be it,” he said.
Even before Sanders’s remarks, his supporters were not receptive to changing their minds.
“Clinton is dishonest, frightening and manipulative,” said John Keane, of Brooklyn. He’s been a Democrat for 32 years and says this is the most right-wing Democratic candidate he’s ever seen.
He won’t vote for Trump in November, but refuses to support Clinton. “Donald Trump presidency is a question mark, Clinton’s would be scary,” he said.
Jose Navarrete, a Bernie delegate from California, echoed that he’d be more scared of Clinton as president than Trump.
“She’d pull strings, I can’t support that,” he said, adding that he was one of those who booed Sanders and would prefer a third-party candidate.
Sarah Hendersen, a party platform committee member from Georgia, is working to get local progressive candidates “not Democrats or Republicans” elected. “The DNC rigged the election. If Trump is elected, we get what we deserve,” she added.
Sanders’ delegates and supporters on the floor booed and chanted “Ber-nie” in just about every speech Monday night — except Michelle Obama’s.
The first lady had a strong message about respect, and never stooping to naysayers levels. “When they go low, we go high,” she said.
Maybe Sanders’ supporters should take her words to heart.