The Disney animated film renaissance rolls on with the exquisite “Big Hero 6,” a fine follow-up to the surprise hit “Frozen.”
Loosely inspired by an obscure Marvel Comics miniseries from the late 1990s, “Big Hero 6” is an emotional, powerful story of family, teamwork and the desire to do the right thing. It’s a fun, action-packed romp that’s visually spectacular and ceaselessly adorable, touching and heartwarming.
“Big Hero 6” opens with a robot-fighting scene not unlike “Real Steel,” with remote-controlled robots battling for money. Young Hiro shows up with a cute battler and proceeds to hustle the reigning champ — a monster of a man who doesn’t take well to getting hustled.
In swoops Hiro’s older brother, Tadashi, to save him. He then brings Hiro to the technology lab at the university he attends to show him a way to put his budding robot-building skills to good use. There, Hiro also meets Tadashi’s creation, a groundbreaking inflatable robot dubbed Baymax that can heal.
Hiro gets into the school by creating his own impressive robot, which draws the attention of a business magnate, but on the night of the presentation something goes awry.
Let’s go ahead and stop right here with the plot, and just say that from here on, it turns into a more traditional superhero film, with your origin story and the putting the team together. I will say that Hiro, now in possession of Baymax, forms a bond with the robot, turning him from a healing machine to one built for combat. Their pairing is one of the wonderful on-screen duos. It’s impossible not to be charmed by this adventure.