
‘Game of Thrones’ finale: Is Jon Snow really dead?


Sunday’s “Game of Thrones” finale has sent the Twitterverse into a tizzy, mostly over the death of fan favorite, and only “good” guy on the show, Jon Snow.

But is he really dead? #savejonsnow is trending!

Other highlights:

Arya Stark gets sweet revenge on pervert and sadist Meryn Trant, Reek (aka Theon) finally does something good for Sansa, Stannis pays for burning his only daughter at the stake, Daenerys meets the dothraki (Again! but will they accept her as a Khaleesi?), Cersei is forced to walk through the streets of King’s Landing, naked, with a shorn head and is spit on and cursed at. But we doubt she learned anything but to hate the common people even more.

But back to Jon, poor, poor Jon. Hear the fans moan…