Brooklyn comedian Greg Dorris is doing something very funny.
And no, he’s not selling pure Williamsburg air on eBay.
On July 23, a Starbucks barista did an unsurprisingly sloppy job when writing Dorris’ name on his cup of Grande cold brew with whole milk.
What is surprising, however, is the controversy that followed.
The Starbucks barista correctly wrote “Greg” (we think) on the cup, but to many it looks like “Corey.” Upon noticing this dilemma, Dorris tweeted out a photo of the cup writing: “Guys does this say Greg or Corey?”
To date, The tweet has 879 retweets and 1,910 favorites, with people completely split on what the cup actually says.
The Daily Mail picked up the story dubbing it a similar dilemma to The Dress- the optical illusion where some see the dress as white and gold and others see it as blue and black.
If you want a small piece of Internet glory, you can bid on the original #cupgate cup on Ebay. The “World famous controversial Greg/Corey Starbucks Cup of #Cupgate fame!!!!!!!!!” is currently going for $14.50, with 13 bidders fighting for the prize.
That’s one way to make back the $3.35 Dorris spent on his drink.