
A first for the 4th in this century

Lower Manhattan hosted its first Independence Day parade in almost four decades last Friday, on the federal holiday. Organized by James Kaplan (2nd from right in right photo)  the parade from the Seaport to Bowling Green was officially supposed to stay on the sidewalk, but police allowed the marchers onto the street. Gale Brewer, Manhattan’s borough president, (not shown) came down to wish the marchers well.     Downtown Express photos by Tequila Minsky
Lower Manhattan hosted its first Independence Day parade in almost four decades last Friday, on the federal holiday. Organized by James Kaplan (2nd from right in right photo) the parade from the Seaport to Bowling Green was officially supposed to stay on the sidewalk, but police allowed the marchers onto the street. Gale Brewer, Manhattan’s borough president, (not shown) came down to wish the marchers well. Downtown Express photos by Tequila Minsky
