
A fond farewell

Today the former Deutsche Bank building at 130 Liberty stands only two stories high. According to the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, the building will be completely demolished by the end of the month. 

While there is no single reminder of the tragedy of 9/11 that, should it disappear, could make people forget what happened, the demise of this building will certainly signal progress. For years it has stood, shrouded in black, and when it is down and gone for good, it will be one less eye sore and one less remaining remnant of that horrible day.

What cannot be forgotten however are the pitfalls that plagued the entire project from beginning to end. Some were minor, like falling debris. But some were major, like the hiring of a contractor with no experience in demolition and a careless demolition management where a lit cigarette resulted in a fire that killed two New York City Firefighters, Robert Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino.

The building’s disappearance will not erase these facts. But it will however make it easier to walk down Liberty Street and not see the building that for years stood as a beacon of disaster.

We only hope the saga of this project results in lessons learned by all parties so another building, and another human, never have to suffer the same fate.


U.S. Rep. Giffords

 The awful, senseless act of violence that occurred in Tucson, Arizona last Saturday has forced us to pause and reflect. Within minutes of the massacre that not only put a Congresswoman’s life in jeopardy but also ended the life of six others, including a federal judge, a 9-year-old girl and a young man engaged to be married, many have began to question the role of extremist, violent rhetoric and references in today’s political arena. 

We do not wish to blame anyone at this point, except the perpetrator, for what happened. But we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that a former candidate for vice president earlier this year posted on her Facebook page a map of the United States with target symbols on particular districts, one of which was Gabrielle Giffords’. Ms. Palin used the term “reload,” a fact she cannot deny.  Extreme ideological partisanship and overheated speech, mostly but not entirely coming from the right, increasingly characterize our politics. 

Regardless of Ms. Palin’s poor judgment, the heated rhetoric that divides and instills fear in people was evident here in Lower Manhattan during the debate over Park51. Our community saw what such language could do, firsthand, and we are lucky that nothing along the lines of the events of last Saturday happened here. 

Beyond demanding that our politicians and pundits dial down their vitriol, the shooting rampage in Tucson is a clarion call for common sense solutions to the availability and proliferation of firearms.  We salute Mayor Bloomberg’s efforts, and those of 500 other mayors in his group “Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” to stem the flow of illegal guns into American cites.  

That the Tucson killer, who has a history of drug use and aberrant behavior, was able to legally purchase a handgun with a high capacity ammunition clip is a further outrage. No sane society should permit ordinary citizens to purchase semi-automatic weapons, period. The federal law enacted in 1994 that restricted some assault weapons was allowed to expire in 2004 by a Congress cowed by the National Rifle Association. Our state and federal lawmakers need to show some guts, and take a stand.