
A letter from the L.M.D.C.


Formed in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation has worked to transform Lower Manhattan into a 21st century central business district with a thriving residential community. Our efforts are paying off – Lower Manhattan’s future is brighter than it has ever been in the past. While the L.M.D.C., Port Authority, the city, the state and other government agencies have been laying out these plans and providing funding for their implementation, our actions have been shaped by, and our success will be realized through, the strength of Lower Manhattan residents, employees, and businesses. This historic collaboration will produce the Lower Manhattan of the future quickly and not at the expense of our quality-of-life today.

In less then a decade, the World Trade Center site will be home to a world-class cultural center, a powerful memorial, a triumphant transportation hub, and the world’s tallest building— the Freedom Tower. Every one of these projects has been born from extensive public participation in the form of public hearings, workshops, meetings, and tens of thousands of comments received both electronically and through the mail. Based on your input, the L.M.D.C. has made commitments to stabilize the residential community, develop a master site plan to reconnect streets and neighborhoods, and support a variety of programs and events to realize a true 24/7 community.

While we work toward this future, we have taken, and will continue to take, steps to mitigate any inconvenience. These steps include the implementation of more than $50 million in quality-of-life initiatives that have immediately improved Lower Manhattan – including $25 million for the renovation or creation of over a dozen parks and open spaces, $3 million for the opening of Millennium High School, and $10 million for enhanced and more community friendly security at the Stock Exchange.

As we embark on yet another transition for Lower Manhattan, the L.M.D.C. will continue to keep you, Lower Manhattan’s community, informed of all of our efforts. Look for more newsletters, up-to-date information on our website, and e-updates in your in-box, as we continue our efforts to rebuild and revitalize Lower Manhattan. I couldn’t be more optimistic about the progress we are making. I am confident that as we continue to work together, we will create a Lower Manhattan that is even brighter than ever before.


Kevin M. Rampe

L.M.D.C. President

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