In all, it took about 18 men and women to complete the larger-than-life, two-day job, of moving the tree. It started on Saturday, Nov. 12. The group met up at Pier 25, at the end of N. Moore St. in Tribeca, armed with pick-axes, shovels, some rope, two dollies and plenty of entrepreneurial spirit. The rag-tag ensemble led by Bob Townley, executive director of Manhattan Youth, removed the 30-ft.-tall tree just in time for it to be saved from destruction before the pier is readied for demolition.
The pine, which had planted on a shallow plot of soil layered on concrete toward the entrance of the pier, was carefully moved to it’s new, permanent location outside of the youth group’s new facility on Warren St. between West and Greenwich Sts.
“It was an important and symbolic move,” Townley said. “We wanted to show two things: That everything that can be recycled should be recycled, even if it is difficult and doesn’t make immediately make sense because in the future it will make sense. And that the Manhattan Youth group is closing a chapter in it’s history and we’re starting a new one.”
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