Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE) was awarded a $200,000 grant for their public service by Bank of America’s Neighborhood Excellence Initiative. The organization was one of several to receive the award at a Monday night event at the Kaplan Penthouse in Lincoln Center on Monday night.
AAFE plans to use the budget boost to increase capacity, fundraising, and communications planning.
The award, in its second year of existence, strives to recognize “individuals and organizations who are true champions of the cities and towns in which we live and work,” explained New York Market President for Bank of America, Alan Rappaport.
Budding out of a mass protest against a builder’s refusal to hire Chinese Americans on a Chinatown project in 1974, AAFE been advocating on behalf of New York’s more than 800,000 Asian American residents for more than 30 years. The organization received the award for its work offering immigration assistance, social services and for their instrumental role in the redevelopment of Chinatown after Sept. 11.
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