
And soy it goes…


In 2007, the Village area is certainly no stranger to the joys of the soybean. But, 60 years ago the extent of its wonders were being introduced to the Village in the form of the “Meals for Millions” program.

In The Villager’s June 26, 1947, issue, the newspaper reported on the introduction of the program, a nationwide initiative to provide dehydrated soy food products that were “compact and easy to ship” to “meet the grave need of relief and rehabilitation.”

“It is designed to stand all climates, can be shipped easily and speedily, and what is most important, it is cheap,” raved The Villager.

Washington Square resident Eleanor Roosevelt was cited as having hosted an event for “Meals for Millions” in which the soy products were successfully and deliciously prepared by the heat of a mere candle.