
Chase makes Downtown deal

JPMorgan Chase will announce Thursday morning that they have made a deal to move to the Tower 5 site at the World Trade Center, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver told Downtown Express Wednesday.

"This will guarantee that Lower Manhattan will remain the financial capital of the world for the next 50 years at least," Silver said, pointing out that Chase will be near the Goldman Sachs headquarters now being built across from the W.T.C.

Neighbors have been worried that Chase’s reported plan to build a cantilevered trading floor to overhang near the park on Liberty St. will cast shadows of the building. "I think the design will be sensitive to the community," Silver said.

He said in addition to the state financial incentives available to firms under Silver’s "Marshall Plan" package, Chase will also get low-cost power under a deal worked out with the Empire State Development Corp. The Port Authority will own the new building that will be built on the site of the former Deutsche Bank building, which is currently being dismantled.

Silver will join Jamie Dimon, Chase C.E.O. and chairperson, and Gov. Eliot Spitzer at the announcement June 14.