
Chickens in a Magical Garden

Photo by Sam Spokony
Photo by Sam Spokony


The Children’s Magical Garden has some new occupants — and those guests are already clucking their approval. The 18 chickens are being kept in a pen at the community garden, at the corner of Stanton and Norfolk Sts., until March, according to C.M.G. Director Kate Temple-West. The fowls are officially under the care of Earth Matter, an environmental education group, and are normally kept in the organization’s learning center on Governors Island. Temple-West said Earth Matter had reached out because they needed a place to keep the chickens for the winter, and the garden was happy to oblige. She added that area residents are welcome to sign up to help care for the chickens for a day — with the added incentive that volunteers will be rewarded with some free eggs at the end of their shifts.