
Community Board 1 committee meetings

The upcoming week’s schedule of Community Board 1 committee meetings is below. Unless otherwise noted, all committee meetings are held at the board office located at 49 Chambers St., Room 709.

On Mon., Sept. 26 the Waterfront Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss Governors Island and a proposal to build the New Globe Theatre there; an interim East River waterfront plan; and a request by the NY Trapeze School to have a tent for winter operation.

On Tues., Sept, 27 the Youth Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss preparations for the Youth Fair; Site 5B noise issues; the proposed Beekman St. school; and school priorities for Region 9.

On Wed., Sept. 28 the WTC Redevelopment Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss a presentation by the International Freedom Center.

On Thurs. Sept. 29, the Landmarks Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss applications for projects at 366 Broadway, 462 Greenwich St., 181 Duane St., 130 Beekman St. and 85 Chambers St.

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