The upcoming week’s schedule of Community Board 1 committee meetings is below. Unless otherwise noted, all committee meetings are held at the board office located at 49 Chambers St., Room 709.
ON THURS. SEPT. 15, the Landmarks Committee will meet at 6 p.m. in Room 501 to discuss resolutions on the following: an application to modify the entrance at 366 Broadway; an application to modify the storefront of 462 Greenwich St.; an application to install storefront renovations at 181 Duane St.; an application to install a trellis treatment on the terrace of 72 Reade St.; an application to remove existing sliding patio doors and replace with new aluminum sliding doors at 130 Beekman St.; and an application to install storefront infill at 85 Chambers St.
ON MON. SEPT. 19, the Quality of Life Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss identity theft of social security numbers; for a presentation on the Lower Manhattan water main project; and to discuss and identify quality of life issues.
ON TUES. SEPT. 20, C.B. 1 will hold their monthly meeting at the NY Law School, 57 Worth St., between Church St. and West Broadway, at 6 p.m.
ON WED. SEPT. 21, the Tribeca Committee will meet at 6 p.m. for a presentation by the Department of City Planning on the rezoning of northern Tribeca.
ON THURS. SEPT 22, the Small Business Task Force will meet at 6 p.m. for a presentation by the Department of Small Business Services on new services offered for Minority/Women Business Enterprises; also for a report on the small business construction forum.
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