
Cry for crackdown on clubs on B

Sleep-deprived neighbors living around lower Avenue B planned to voice their complaints to police officers at the Ninth Precinct Community Council meeting Tuesday night, June 19.

“The worst culprits are the unholy trinity of Le Souk, CarneVale and China One,” yowled the East Fourth St. Block Association in its rallying cry to neighbors. “They rake in the dough while destroying our shared quality of life and degrading our neighborhood.”

The popular clubs have been the focus of neighborhood outcry for several years, particularly over their rowdy weekend crowds. Le Souk suffered a 10-day suspension of its liquor license in May, but neighbors say the revelry is once again out of control.

Neighbors hope the precinct will agree to enhance police presence along Avenue B, said Ellyce Di Paola, a vocal critic of the clubs’ presence.