B.P.C. block party
Karaoke, hula-hoop challenges, face painting and fair rides will transform Battery Park City into a huge block party on Sept. 18. New Yorkers from all corners of the city are welcome, and thousands have made the trip Downtown over the last two years.
The party kicks off at 11:30 a.m. with a parade starting at Liberty St. and South End Avenue. Paradegoers are encouraged to arrive decked out in their craziest hats. The parade ends at Vesey St. where the opening ceremonies will honor Manhattan Youth director Bob Townley with the Community Service Award for almost 20 years of work with Downtown youth. “We’ve all been inspired by Bob,” said Rosalie Joseph, one of the directors of the Battery Park City Neighbors and Parents Association. “He’s very loved and respected in the community.”
Other highlights include a new Teen Table and a Singles Group table. Aspiring gourmets can enter an apple pie contest and pet-lovers can participate in the American Pet Idol contest. The closing ceremonies will include a community sing-a-long, featuring New York songs like “Out in the Streets” and “Downtown.”
Some of these events require advance registration by Sept. 15. For information on the pie contest contact Lita Talarico at litatalarico@sva.edu and contact Bobby Concister at 212-786-9070 for the pet contest.
Hispanic Seaport
The upbeat sounds of Latino music will bring merengue, salsa and tango to the South Street Seaport on Sept. 19 from 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. The second annual Pathmark Celebracion de la Herencia Hispana, New York City’s largest celebration of Hispanic heritage, will honor the cultures of the Caribbean and North and South America at a free event open to the public.
The festival will feature several prominent musicians and dancers, including classic salsa by the Grammy-nominated Spanish Harlem Orchestra and folk music by the Andean band Tahuantinsuyo. Dance groups include Mariachi Real de Mexico and the Santa Luz Dance Company, whose lead dancer recently toured with Madonna. For more information, call 866-893-1812 or visit MiPathmark.com.
C.B. 1 meetings
The upcoming week’s schedule of Community Board 1 committee meetings is below. Unless otherwise noted, all committee meetings are held at the board office located at 49 Chambers St., Room 709.
On Mon., Sept. 13, the Seaport/Civic Center Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the NYU Hospital parking lot development, parking of buses along Park Row medians, and the need for new parking regulations on Nassau between Beekman and Spruce streets. Officials with the Port Authority and the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. are expected to present plans on possible locations for a Liberty St. truck access ramp at the World Trade Center site at 6:30 p.m.
On Tues., Sept. 14, the World Trade Center Redevelopment Committee will discuss plans to dismantle the Deutsche Bank building on Liberty St.
WWW Downtown Express