A flashy stilt walker captivated his audience with some fancy moves Friday evening at La Plaza Cultural community garden at Ninth St. and Avenue C, as the Harvest Arts Festival began. Meanwhile, at 6th and B Garden, Ace Ramsey, 6, from Little Italy, had her face painted by Effie Surlis, holding the mirror. Ramsey is the daughter of Sharon Blythe, who was five months pregnant with Ace when, in August 2005, she was arrested during a Critical Mass ride, scaring the daylights out of her father, Art D’Lugoff, the late great Village Gate impresario. Musical acts at the garden included Bill Popp and The Tapes, Global Groove and Miles Steinhouse. Organized by Loisada United Neighborhood Gardens (LUNGS), the festival featured entertainment and barbecues at 24 gardens in the East Village and Lower East Side on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.