Not a neighborhood school
To The Editor:
Over the years, neighborhood parents have been rallying for a much needed community middle school. Max McCalman, president of the I.S. 89 P.T.A., incorrectly argues that I.S. 89 already houses “most graduates” from local schools (“I.S. 89 considers asking for a bite of Taste of Tribeca,” Youth article, Jan. 28 – Feb. 3).
Actually, less than 22% of Community Board 1’s graduating students from our zoned elementary schools (P.S. 89 & P.S. 234) went to I.S. 89 last year (30 out of 138 graduates, according to the I.S. 89 2004-2005 directory and the P.S. 89 & P.S. 234 2003-2004 directories).
Over 78% of our children graduating our zoned elementary schools went to middle schools other than I.S. 89. Our local students must apply to I.S. 89 and not all get in. This school should not be represented as a community school.
Although I wish Mr. McCalman success at raising money for I.S. 89, I feel that his inaccurate inference that I.S. 89 is a community school not only weakens his stand, but also hurts the neighborhood need to finally have it’s first community middle school.
Tom Goodkind
WWW Downtown Express