Fracking win isn’t final
To The Editor:
Re “Behind the ban: Why Governor Cuomo nixed fracking in N.Y. State” (news article, Dec. 25):
Congratulations to all those who have put heavy pressure on Governor Cuomo, but let’s not let down our guard and declare a complete victory. The ban can be reversed by another governor and Legislature.
Gas companies have been building new pipelines, such as the Spectra Pipeline that runs under Greenwich Village, and they plan to build a pipeline through the Rockaways and another at Seneca Lake Upstate. Some of these pipelines can transport fracked gas from other states.
Gas is often touted as a clean alternative to coal and oil. But we must continue the fight to get off all fossil fuels, as well as nuclear energy, and rapidly phase in safe, clean and sustainable solar, wind, wave and geothermal energy, not only here in New York but throughout the nation.
Tom Siracuse
Pro-frack freakout
To The Editor:
Re “Behind the ban: Why Governor Cuomo nixed fracking in N.Y. State” (news article, Dec. 25):
The fearmongering antis have polluted the minds of the New York State lemmings! Cuomo values Downstate votes more than Upstate jobs and prosperity!
Natural gas is being obtained through directional drilling and hydrofracturing in 30-plus states. That is to say, all these states believe it can be done safely through regulations.
Somehow New York State just does not get it. New York State and Governor Cuomo never miss an opportunity to miss a opportunity. Truly pathetic!
Gary Kline
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