I don’t hear politicians on Sphere
To The Editor:
Re “Some 9/11 tiles come home, but others set to go on tour?” (news article, Jan. 17):
I have been familiar with this memorial since shortly after 9/11 and always appreciated it. I have taken tourists to it, including a visiting group of Danish college students doing research on 9/11 memorials in New York City.
I find it ironic, however, that so many officials, including city councilmembers and congressional representatives, show so much concern about these tiles when the iconic Koenig Sphere, the last remaining intact artifact of the World Trade Center, sits down at Battery Park forgotten and neglected. It has become a home for park pigeons and is covered in bird crap.
Soon it will have to be moved — to make way for a bicycle path. No one knows where it will go and no one seems to care. The only thing blocking its return to the World Trade Center is the memorial foundation’s intransigence. They refuse to return it because it would infringe upon the design’s “artistic integrity” — by telling us what to think.
What if the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial disposes of the U.S.S. Arizona? Please see Facebook under “causes, save the sphere.”
Michael Burke
Gimme shelter (not a restaurant)
To The Editor:
Re “Bistro build-out blocked for Union Square’s pavilion” (news article, Jan. 17):
The pavilion offers the only sheltered area of the park. It is perfect for activities for park users of all ages. There are so many eateries surrounding Union Square Park, as well as Greenmarket produce being sold there most days. Recreational areas are lacking. Face up to the facts!
Diana Carulli
We can argue, but let’s be civil
To The Editor:
Re “Good guys getting bounced by liquor license politics” (talking point, by Clayton Patterson, Jan. 17):
I wish there was this much uproar and support for the mothers, fathers, young people and youth organizations that met last Thursday night to find a way to end the child-on-child violence in our community. The most recent incident happened just a few blocks from this proposed venue.
I understand that the applicants grew up here and know the issues here.
People have reasons for their positions. People raising children in the neighborhood have reasons to want to halt the bar scene. And people want to make money, run businesses and stay in their community. Can we make common cause with efforts to make this place good for all of our children?
We will disagree, but how we conduct our disagreements matters. The young people of our community — who we say need our guidance on ending violence — watch what we say and do. How do we conduct our disputes?
By the way, I don’t think a community ever wants to make its neighbors feel that they either must adjust to living in an “entertainment zone” or leave.
K Webster
Why is this such a big thing?
To The Editor:
Re “Good guys getting bounced by liquor license politics” (talking point, by Clayton Patterson, Jan. 17):
I’m in support of this application. There should be no reason why a restaurant closing at 2 a.m. should be a problem to anyone. Why is this such a big thing? The applicant is a person who gives back to his community, helps out his church, and donates to charity groups and a Little League team from this neighborhood. Why would people do this? He’s a good man and we should stand behind a neighbor like this.
Ruben Garcia
Give the man a chance
To The Editor:
Re “Good guys getting bounced by liquor license politics” (talking point, by Clayton Patterson, Jan. 17):
People, this applicant is bringing a star chef, John DeLucie, to our neighborhood, and also a menu of his family’s culture, with drinks that go with this menu. Why try to destroy him before he even opens?
Jorge Medina
Sometimes right ain’t wrong
To The Editor:
The conservative right has been talking a lot lately about cutting back on government programs. And I couldn’t agree more. A good place to start would be to eliminate the drone program. And do we really need a military base in Australia with missiles pointed at China?
Speaking as someone who served in the Army in Germany from September 1967 to December 1968, the only reason we left our troops in Europe after World War II was because the Soviet Union left their troops there. Well, not only does the Soviet Union not have its troops in Europe, it hasn’t even existed for almost a quarter of a century. Bringing those troops home would save billions, if not trillions, in tax dollars.
Moving on to social programs: William Buckley once said, “It is time to take drugs out of the black market and put them on the free market.” Another conservative position that I agree with. This would not only take the burden off the prison system, but would eliminate many police and F.B.I. task forces, and would also do away with the D.E.A., once again saving taxpayers billions of their hard-earned dollars that would otherwise be spent on an unwinnable drug war.
The list of programs that could be done away with could go on and on before touching even one penny that goes toward the comfort and well-being of the taxpayer. So, let me wrap this up with a final conservative opinion I agree with: Ronald Raygun once put his opinion on illegal immigration in the form of a Q & A. Q: “What do you call an illegal immigrant?” A: “A wiling worker.”
Jerry The Peddler
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