
Mystico Predicts, Week of Sept. 25, 2013



Don’t waste time dissecting the meaning of that sharp pain between main course and dessert. Not all mealtime discomfort heralds digestive challenges.

Heed a bashful Sagittarian’s whispered words of advice and profit from the perspective of a person you mistakenly regard as outside of the loop!

Like late summer colds coming from jacketless morning excursions, your cavalier attitude regarding the excessive use of paprika will prove to be something to sneeze at.

You are not the type to revel in the misfortunes of others — but Neptune’s cosmic position this month will require particular vigilance. Look and learn…but don’t make fun!

Mischievous Pluto will wreak havoc on next Wednesday’s travel plans. Adjust your schedule accordingly, when a restless Taurus tempts you to stay inside and play Scrabble.

Hidden dangers greet you on this weekend’s planned apple picking excursion. Reschedule for early October, and claim your sweet reward.

Your motherly advice is suffocating. Couch it as sisterly dish, and an otherwise skeptical recipient will be surprisingly receptive!

A circle of friends, who see you as square, will inspire some out-of-the-box thinking. An unconventional wardrobe choice propels you back into the loop.

Saturn’s pull, and your reputation for wise counsel, brings troubled souls into your orbit this week. Do them a solid, and cash in your Karma come November.

Uneasy dreams awaken a long-dormant predilection for country goose-themed kitchenware. A skeptical roommate needs convincing.

Lucky numbers, culled from bus stop ads, will have practical applications unrelated to the purchase of lottery tickets. Use them to reset your smart phone access code!

A seemingly sophisticated peer confesses an affinity for fall hayrides. Keep their secret, and a powerful new alliance will be formed.