
Police blotter

Drug arrest

Responding to a report that five men were dealing drugs on the eighth floor of a Baruch Houses building on Columbia St. on Wednesday night, Dec. 21, police arrested Abdulah Abdurahim, 28, and charged him with possession of marijuana and cocaine and with resisting arrest.

The suspect was leaving the building at 9:41 p.m. and struggled when police stopped him, according to the charges. Abdurahim was carrying marijuana and cocaine when he was arrested, police said.

Time to rob the donut shop

A man who walked into the Dunkin’ Donuts store at 132 Nassau St. between Ann and Beekman Sts. on Monday morning, Dec. 26, ordered a doughnut and then jumped the counter when the employee rang up the sale and grabbed a fistful of money, police said. The thief, whose face was muffled, then took a bicycle from the back of the store and rode away, police said.

—Albert Amateau

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