Furious women rallied in Union Square on Wednesday evening to demand the federal government restore nationwide, legal abortion access.
Decked out in green to show their support for the right to choose, protest group Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights commandeered Union Square on July 13 to decry the lack of abortion access now found throughout the country due to the Supreme Court of the United States’ overturning of Roe V. Wade. Pedestrians came to a halt, snatched a sign and joined the cause as speakers admonished the ruling.
“We have no more choices, let’s f–king get mad,” Stephie G, a volunteer for Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights said, pointing to her body. “I have had 38 years with this thing and now this old guy gets to decide what happens to it? F–k that!”
Spectators listened while the organization discussed their emotions being in Washington D.C when the decision was announced and the pain they felt. The group also pledged to continue fighting and pleaded with New Yorkers to band together in order to continue fighting what they see as an attack on human rights, leaving victims of sexual abuse forced to carry a child to full term.
“We are living in a sanctuary state here, a blue state, but that does not mean that every state around our nation does that. And in fact, nine states have already banned abortion to the fullest extent, meaning that there is no exception for rape or incest. Let me say that again. Nine states currently have this ban in place, meaning for no reason at all–not at all, including rape or incest: you cannot get an abortion,” Rachel of Rise Up 4 Abortion said.
Women of all generations arrived to support the cause, including those who are living under an abortion ban for the first time and those who have experienced it before. Many at the rally say they feel as if in an instant they have been reduced to second-class citizens.
“They’ve told us that our lives don’t matter for shit, they have now said not just that you don’t matter for shit but that you should die because that’s exactly what’s gonna happen to women and girls and LGBTQ+ people who can get pregnant when they try to get an abortion,” Michelle of the Revolution Club said.