
Student died from a tiny heart tumor

The medical examiner’s office has finalized the cause of death of the young student who dropped dead on Nov. 29 at Shuang Wen Academy on the Lower East Side at E. Broadway and Grand St.

According to Ellen Borakove, a spokesperson for the medical examiner, Jasmine Man, who was about to turn 6, died of a highly rare, tiny tumor in her heart called an atypical myofibroblasic neoplasm.

“It’s very rare. That’s why it took so long to determine,” Borakove said. “We had to send it out [for analysis]. It was malignant. It had not metastasized. Any tumor that’s in the heart is going to prove fatal.”

Shuang Wen Academy is a rigorous dual-language school, offering instruction in both English and Chinese.