
Subway projects


Construction continues on the renovation of two Downtown subway stations.

Work at the Fulton Street Transit Center, located on Broadway between Fulton and John Sts., is currently being concentrated on the new southbound and northbound entrances at the 4,/5 station as well as on the stairways and fare control areas at Cortlandt St., Maiden Lane and Broadway. Renovations to the 2/3 station on the east side of William St. between Fulton and Ann Sts. continues.

The Cortlandt Street N/R/W station, which was closed to allow a connection between the Fulton Street station and the PATH station, is still slated to re-open in February and, according to Metropolitan Transportation Authority spokesperson Mercedes Padilla, no other long term station closings are anticipated in the coming months.

At the new South Ferry stop , construction of the new station immediately west of the current station is underway. The new station, a $450 million project, will include a turn-around loop. Other improvements include two straight, full-length tracks, a free transfer connection to the R/W line Whitehall Street Station and three new entrances.

—Caitlin Eichelberger

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