
Transit Sam

Dear readers,

Just when you thought traffic in Tribeca couldn’t get any worse, it did! Right turns from the Holland Tunnel exit onto Hudson St. are now banned due to water main work. Traffic using tunnel exit 2 have to go straight onto Beach St., turn left onto Greenwich St., go two blocks south to Franklin St., and then left onto Hudson to get to where they started. This pretzel of a detour will be in effect for three months.

Transit Sam

Dear Transit Sam,

Thank you for the information about more street parking on Washington and North Moore streets in the last issue. That being said, I can sleep better at night knowing that the city now has more of our spaces to take up. What’s up with all those white city cars taking up every available parking spot in lower Manhattan? Forget about No Parking 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and ASP. I’m even talking about metered and muni-metered spaces that are the only available spots that residents and non-city-elite have to park in the neighborhood! I’ve lived in Tribeca for thirty years, and I remember when you could park on those empty blocks that are now Barnes and Nobles, etc. There were no restrictions then – there were not even any signs! I’m not bitter about thirty years of progress, but why does the city bother designating legal parking if it intends to use all of it? Thanks for listening to my complaint and for your great column.

Walter, Tribeca

Dear Walter,

You may not be bitter, but when I read of city workers usurping public parking space my blood starts to boil. I spent 20 years as a city employee and see no good reason why city workers should have on street parking for commuting. (I do recognize that police and a few people from most agencies will need cars for use during the day). When I was traffic commissioner and in charge of parking enforcement, I routinely had my brethren’s cars ticketed and towed for parking abuse.

You are absolutely right about lower Manhattan. It is the capital of illegal parking abuse by government employees. The mayor has cracked down a bit, but from my point of view it’s not enough and it hasn’t been sustained.

As for the streets that I referenced in last issue (North Moore St. between Varick and Greenwich St., Beach St. between Hudson and Greenwich St. and Washington St. between Vestry and Hubert St.), I took a walk on them recently and I didn’t see much abuse. Maybe it’s too far west for most workers. If that changes, then please write me again.

I’ve also passed your letter along to the First and Fifth precincts. If you see vehicles that are repeat offenders, don’t hesitate to reach out to the community affairs’ officers of the First Precinct at (212) 334-0640 or the Fifth Precinct at (212) 334-0726.

Transit Sam