
Queens church assault: Police recover crucial evidence that they hope will quickly lead them to suspect

Suspect who pushed Queens woman down stairs near church
Police say they are hot on the trail of a brute who sent a senior tumbling down a staircase as she made her way to church in Queens over the weekend.

Police say they are hot on the trail of the Queens brute who sent a senior tumbling down a church staircase in a vicious attack over the weekend.

According to police sources, the 68-year-old woman remains hospitalized in stable condition with a fractured skull and a brain bleed after being assailed on the steps of St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Jamaica Hills at around 8:30 a.m. on Sunday. However, investigators said Tuesday they have found new evidence which they hope will quickly lead to the suspect’s arrest.

It all began with what NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny believes to be a chance encounter. The suspect was believed to be just walking by when he spotted the senior and doubled back. 

“As she’s walking up the stairs, he runs alongside her,” Chief Kenny said. “He runs up on the handrail and gets there and just makes the turn and immediately attacks her.”

Queens church assault
“As she’s walking up the stairs, he runs alongside her,” Chief Kenny said. “He runs up on the handrail and gets there and just makes the turn and immediately attacks her.”

Police say the assault took place without a single word being uttered. The assailant either shoved or punched the victim directly in the throat, sending her backward.

“She clears the entire staircase and lands directly on her head. She suffered a fractured skull, and she has bleeding on her brain,” Chief Kenny said. “The perp, as she lay motionless on the floor, removed her purse containing her phone, credit cards, identification, and some US currency.”

It was an episode that shocked police officials for its heinous nature outside a house of worship.

“Going to church is supposed to be sacred and safe,” Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry wrote on X.

Following the incident, police noted, the attacker was captured on camera walking along 152nd Street rifling through the purse, discarding items along the way until he comes upon car keys and chooses to steal her vehicle.

The car was recovered the next day, abandoned about 3 1/2 miles away from the crime scene. That’s where police think they got a break in the case.

Thanks to a forensic investigation of the car, police say they have been able to retrieve a fingerprint, leading Chief Kenny to state that he is “very confident” police will soon close in and make an arrest. 

In the meantime, anyone who may have recognized the suspect and can help police locate him is urged to call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (for Spanish, dial 888-57-PISTA). You can also submit tips online at crimestoppers.nypdonline.org, or on X (the platform formerly known as Twitter) @NYPDTips. All calls and messages are kept confidential.

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