Channing Tatum is more than meets the eye.
For an upcoming T Magazine issue, the 34-year-old “Magic Mike” actor spoke out about dealing with dyslexia and ADHD throughout his childhood years.
“I have never considered myself a very smart person, for a lot of reasons,” he told T. “Not having early success on that one path messes with you.”
Tatum’s adolescent years focused more on his physical being, and on a man so well-sculpted, it’s no surprise that people wouldn’t peg him as an artist, or a person of emotional depth. His close friends, however, know better.
“Football didn’t stick. College didn’t stick. And yet he has the highest emotional intelligence of anyone I know,” said his best friend and colleague Reid Carolin.
And Tatum’s days of college football, contractor jobs and working as a stripper are long behind him: With a stellar acting resume, a happy family, and a blossoming interest in sculpture, he’s been able to rebuild. “?over time I’ve been able to develop other aspects of myself,” he said.